33 Years Experience
on Polish insurance market
Services and Solutions
CLAIMS Assistance
Lab-Broker is also able to provide a specialist claims consultancy service. We can provide senior law advisers experienced in Polish insurance law for extensive negotiations with insurers and insureds.
Contractors Professional Indemnity
This insurance protects professionals from claims arising from neglect, error or omission in carrying out their professional duties.
In recent years in Poland has increased the amount of claims against professionals, so they are especially exposured to the risk of claims.
In our business model, each client has an individual Client advocate. This single point of contact dedicated to every client allows to understand your business needs, gain the knowledge to develop insurance and find the best solution.
Our marketing approach has several advantages: the same team that works with you to devise your program strategy approaches the markets, which gives us the depth of understanding to help differentiate your risks in the marketplace; three-way discussions between client, broker and underwriter; and we negotiate aggressively on your behalf.
LAB-BROKER assist contractors throughout the world to survive and succeed through effective management of their exposure to risk. We provide professional risk management consultancy and insurance broking services that include the design of innovative, bespoke annual or project based insurance programmes for our clients' protection. By finding the optimum balance between risk retention and risk transfer, our function is to directly influence and minimise the cost of risk.
To minimise contractors' exposures we provide risk transfer protection for:
- Construction and erection of contract works.
- Public, products and employers' liability.
- Construction plant and equipment.
- Transit/cargo.
- Motor fleets.
- Loss of or damage to property and assets.
- Plant hire liability.
- Professional indemnity.
- Legal expenses.
- Contractual indemnities.
- Cost overrun.
- Developers' consequential loss.
- Environmental risks.
- Liquidated damages.
- Latent defects.
- Terrorism.
- Performance guarantees.